Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex + Firefox & Flash player 10 sound
To fix the ALSA/flash player problem: # sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
Stuff written in English
To fix the ALSA/flash player problem: # sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
The new version of my preferred virtual machine environment is out, I’m using it, but the problem with audio device/ALSA is still present.
The new web interface (new??? I remember the “same” interface with the old GSX…) adds some cool features, but the way to fix the ALSA problem is the same of the previous version…
Since the Freevo packages are out from Ubuntu repositories, I’m stuck with Freevo 1.7.2. This is annoying because some plug-ins, like last.fm are not working anymore…
I know, the correct way to fix this, is to build some set of .deb packages, but I have no experience about building .deb from source, so I’m going to write this little how-to about a manual (from source) installation.
Well, I’m used to virtualization technology, remote desktop management and all this kind of stuff, but Synergy is something that amazes me. And in these days, find something that impresses me, is quite unusual 🙂
If you are familiar with the dual monitor concept, you know the level of productivity you can reach with this setup: a bigger desktop means more applications opened at the same time, no time lost searching into your task switcher and so on…
Synergy is a little client/server application, cross platform and open source. The goal of this piece of code is to share one keyboard and one mouse between multiple machines (Macs, Windows, Linux/Unix) via TCP/IP.
With this fantastic application, you can experience the benefit of a multi-monitor setup with multiple OS. No more useless mess on your desk, only one keyboard and one mouse (and no more expensive and “stupid” KVM switches)
Simple and fast howto to get the sound mixer working with vmware-server 1.0.5 and Kubuntu 8.4 Hardy Heron (and of course, ALSA)
Sometimes, on Linux boxes, after installing VMware Server and the MUI (Management User Interface aka VMware Management Interface – the web based administration interface) you cannot login. You have to use the root account and the password of your linux server, you have made no typo errors, but no way to go ahead.
Usually, if you have this problem, you cannot use also the VMware console from a remote IP (eg. you cannot login to your server from your workstation, even from the same LAN).
Recently I have found this problem in many Linux distributions and I have figured out how to fix this serious problem…
The little task of the day: create a cdrom ISO image (for Windows) and put into it a website browsable from the CD (with no internet connection).
I’ll use Linux as a client, of course 🙂 So, fire up your favorite terminal shell and run:
If you are using Firefox on Apple OS X and you are experiencing problems viewing the Flash content (you cannot see the Flash embedded content, you can see something only moving the mouse pointer over it, sometimes…), you must have the Adblock Plus add-ons installed. This is a not very Read more…
Under my RPM based distros I’m using chkconfig to easily activate and deactivate services during the boot and the shutdown sequence from the shell. Coming to the Debian environment, I have not found one utility like chkconfig to do the same job. Just today, I have discovered sysv-rc-conf: run-level configuration Read more…
Well, I’m actually using Kubuntu (I prefer KDE over GNOME); anyway the distribution is the same.
I have installed VMware Server into my brand new Core 2 Duo laptop and I have found the well know clock/time problem affecting the guest OS: the time into the virtual machine is running much slower or faster than the host time (the real world). With my Core 2 Duo, this time, was faster…