Wow! This is my first experience with ndiswrapper.
ndiswrapper is a very cool project that implements Windows kernel API and NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) API within Linux kernel. With this piece of software you can get working many windows drivers with your Linux box.
Some weeks ago I have bought a wireless network adapter, the Asus WL-138G. This network card is not supported directly by Linux, so I have installed ndiswrapper version 1.2 and started playing with some drivers…
Following some posts around internet, I have found that the driver included with the card are not very well compatible with ndiswrapper.
I have identified this card with *lspci* and *lspci -n*:
# lspci
00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Marvell W8300 802.11 Adapter (rev 07)
# lspci -n
00:0d.0 Class 0200: 11ab:1fa6 (rev 07)
The pciid is 11ab:1fa6; this code is very useful to find informations on Internet. This wifi card mount the same chip that D-Link DWL-G510, so I have downloaded the driver from here.
To play with windows drivers you need some utilities like unshield and cabextract to extract all files .cab.
I have extracted and
unshield x *.cab
extracting: ./InfXP/mrv8k51.inf
extracting: ./DrvXP/MRV8K51.sys
extracting: ./Inf98/mrv8k51.inf
extracting: ./Inf2K/mrv8k51.inf
extracting: ./Drv98/MRV8K51.sys
extracting: ./Drv2K/MRV8K51.sys
To install a driver with ndiswrapper you need to have a file .ini and a file .sys under the same directory. After some installation’s test i have found that the windows 98 drivers works nicely under my 2.6.12 kernel, so after copying ./Inf98/mrv8k51.inf and ./Drv98/MRV8K51.sys into a newly created directory…
ndiswrapper -i mrv8k51.inf
ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
mrv8k51 driver present, hardware present
ok, the last step is to load this driver into kernel…
Bingo!, my Asus wifi card is working like a charm with windows driver under my linux box.
Anthony · January 1, 2006 at 16:40
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -i Win98/mrv8k51.inf
Installing mrv8k51
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
mrv8k51 driver present, hardware present
[root@localhost manual]# modprobe ndiswrapper
FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -m
-> va creer le fichier de config
Et à présent? car dans le panneau de contrôle de mandrake en section sans fil, il me dit toujours de “Configurer une nouvelle connexion Internet (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, …)”
A partir du bureau: Menu -> Système -> Configuration -> Configurer votre ordinateur
On arrive alors sur le panneau de Contrôle de Mandrake Linux
Réseau & Internet -> Configurer une nouvelle connexion Internet (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, …)
On arrive alors sur la config de la connexion:
Connexion sans fil (+ Suivant)-> Utiliser un pilote Windows (avec ndiswrapper) (+ Suivant) -> Installer un nouveau pilote (+ Suivant) ->
Je mets le même fichier que celui en lien sur ce topic: “dwlg510_100/Driver/manual/Win98/mrv8k51.inf”Et là: “Impossible de trouver l’interface ndiswrapper”
Peux tu m’aider STP
Anthony · January 1, 2006 at 16:47
– TEXT Mode:
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -i Win98/mrv8k51.inf
Installing mrv8k51
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -l
Installed ndis drivers:
mrv8k51 driver present, hardware present
[root@localhost manual]# modprobe ndiswrapper
FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.
[root@localhost manual]# ndiswrapper -m
-> va creer le fichier de config
and now? because in the mandrake control in section wireless it says: you must configure a new internet connection (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, …)”
from desktop : Menu -> Système -> Configuration -> Configure your computer
starts mandrake control -> Réseau & Internet -> Configure a new connection Internet (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, …)
and when i set the “dwlg510_100/Driver/manual/Win98/mrv8k51.inf”and here we have a: “Impossible to finf the ndiswrapper interface”
Peux tu m’aider STP
Paolo · January 2, 2006 at 14:05
Hi Anthony,
what kernel version are you using? (you can get version with *rpm -qi kernel*).
what ndiswrapper version are you using? (the same command *rpm -qi ndiswrapper*).
From the manual page of modprobe: “modprobe intelligently adds or removes a module from the Linux kernel: note that for convenience, there is no difference between _ and - in module names. modprobe looks in the module directory /lib/modules/`uname -r` for all the modules and other files”… So you need to have /lib/modules/`uname -r` present with all sub-folders…
Can you verify this?
Salut 🙂
Max van Rooijen · January 9, 2006 at 19:56
Thank you really much, checking if it works, I’ve got the same WLAN card 🙂
neon · February 1, 2006 at 11:57
Grazie dell’articolo, è utile per chi ha la stessa scheda e vuole farla funzionare velocemente 😉 Ho provato i drivers WinXp del cd asus e funziona anche con quelli.
Thanks for the article, it’s very useful 😉
This card works well even with the WinXp drivers in the asus cdrom.
d3m0 · February 14, 2006 at 15:42
Hi there. I’ve got the same ASUS card and have Fedora Core 4 installed. I tried it and everything seems to go ok. But how do I get the card to actually work now? It seems it still does nothing.
Paolo · February 14, 2006 at 20:19
Hi d3m0,
if you have correctly installed your card with ndiswrapper, you can view from iwconfig an interface with wireless extensions (iwconfig is part of wireless-tools).
Under Fedora Core you will have an utility like redhat-config-network (I suppose… but I don’t use Fedora Core…). From this utility you can setup your interface.
You can also search some docs about setting up a wifi card by hand under linux…
Here you can find some hints…
d3m0 · February 17, 2006 at 17:59
Thanks for your reply Paolo. I think I know why it will not work for me. I have tried Linuxant WLAN DriverLoader too, which told me the driver is not x86_64 comptible, because I run a 64 bit version of Fedora Core 4. Though ndiswrapper says the driver is loaded and the hardware is present. The OS can’t detect it. Could I be right on this? Searched the Internet for a 64 bit version of the driver, without results.
Paolo · February 18, 2006 at 14:55
Sure, running a 64bit OS is not painless. At this time my home server is an Intel p4 with EMT64 extensions (so it can run legacy 64 bit applications) but I’m running a 32bit OS on it.
If you have a piece of hardware not recognised by the kernel, is hard to get it working with 32bit driver… (under a 64 bit environment)
PS: Damn! 🙂 I have this wlan card on my home server and I was going to migrate the OS to 64bit!!! 🙁
Thank you for sharing your experience!
d3m0 · February 18, 2006 at 16:17
Ok, so we’ll just have to hope Asus or someone else will provide a 64 bit driver. If that does not happen, i’ll have to buy me a card that does work on a 64 bit OS. 🙁
Thank you too 😀
d3m0 · February 18, 2006 at 17:48
Searching for Marvell w8300 (which is the wl-138g’s chip) got me this page
The driver which can be downloaded here gives me a wlan0 using ndiswrapper 😀
Warning: Driver for device wlan0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension,
but has been compiled with version 17, therefore some driver features
may not be available…
wlan0 IEEE 802.11FH ESSID:off/any
Mode:Managed Channel:0 Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Bit Rate=54 Mb/s Sensitivity=-200 dBm
RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:4B59-2880-19 Security mode:restricted
Power Management:off
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
I’ve tried connecting to the access point, but I haven’t been able to yet 🙁
I used the following to connect:
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed key **********
iwconfig wlan0 essid mynetwork
dhclient wlan0
Paolo · February 18, 2006 at 18:00
So, if this work, I can finally install a 64bit OS on my home server! 🙂
you can try to configure the sysconfig file, like the following:
#cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0
WIRELESS_ENC_KEY=”open **********”
Note that this is an ifcfg-wlan0 from my Mandriva box, but should work on any Red-Hat/Fedora like distribution. (change your network info, mine
After adding this config file, you can run
#ifup wlan0
[…] 😕
d3m0 · February 18, 2006 at 18:46
Thanks, I’ve tried it bot got “Determining IP information for wlan0… failed; no link present. Check cable?”. I assumed that the IPADDR and NETWORK point to my access point? I have a Linksys wireless A+G access point.
It seems the card does not communicate with the access point like it should. KWifiManager says my access point is “out of range”, but when I do Scan for Networks, it does come up with my network. :S
After every reboot my wlan0 is gone. I have to ‘modprobe ndiswrapper’ every time. Any idea how to fix this?
Paolo · February 20, 2006 at 13:53
IPADDR is the value of my preferred IP and NETWORK is my network mask. You should change these values based on your settings. (You can also remove IPADDR line).
To have ndiswrapper loaded at boot time, you can add ndiswrapper into /etc/modprobe.preload.
This is a portion of mine modprobe.preload…
# cat /etc/modprobe.preload
d3m0 · February 20, 2006 at 14:13
I’ve just got it to work. Your ifcfg-wlan0 has been a big help. I needed to add “KEY=open ” to the keys-wlan0 in the same directory too. Adding “alias wlan0 ndiswrapper” to /etc/modprobe.conf makes sure ndiswrapper is probed when wlan0 is being initialized.
I now have the Asus WL-138G running perfectly on a x86_64 OS (Fedora Core 4). 😀
Thanks for all your help and I hope some others are helped by this too.
Marco · February 28, 2006 at 17:25
ho una versione di linux live (BACKTRACK BETA) in cui vorrei implementare ndiswrapper e il driver per la stessa scheda di rete di cui parli.. la ASUS WL-138G…
spero solo non sia impossibile… puoi spiegarmi come fare?
Paolo · March 1, 2006 at 16:09
Ciao Marco,
non conosco la distribuzione che usi, ma se possiede un kernel 2.6 dovrebbe essere facilmente configurabile. Nell’articolo c’e’ spiegato abbastanza chiaramente come fare, ma e’ richiesta una conoscenza di linux base…
r0ger · April 12, 2006 at 21:16
Ciao Paolo,
ho un pavilion zv6000 con Fedora Core 5 installato
il kernel da me utilizzato è il 2.6.16-1.2080_FC5 mentre l’ndiswrapper è 1.13.1, seguendo le indicazioni sulla rete ho installato il driver per la mia schedia lan
il comando ndiswrapper -l riporta come output
Installed drivers:
bcmwl5 driver installed, hardware present
purtroppo però quando provo ad eseguire il comando modprobe ndiswrapper
il risultato che ottengo è:
FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.
grato per l’aiuto che vorrai darmi
Paolo · April 14, 2006 at 11:13
Ciao r0ger,
l’errore che ti da il comando modprobe, sembrerebbe dovuto al fatto che non viene trovato il modulo di ndiswrapper. Suppongo che sia un problema del kernel che usi…
prova a lanciare da root questo comando:
# find /lib/modules/ | grep ndiswrapper
dovrebbe comparire un elenco di files che contengono ndiswrapper.ko.gz (il modulo che non viene trovato).
Puo’ anche darsi che per la tua Fedora sia necessario qualche RPM aggiuntivo per far funzionare ndiswrapper… hai cercato bene tra i repositories??
Marion · May 20, 2006 at 20:33
Great. Thanks 🙂
k0da · May 22, 2006 at 09:04
i have some troubles with my wl-138g wireless card.
Connection speed is randomly assignet to client from 48 to 1 Mbit/s
and some times i cant connet to AP (runing on openwrt Asus WL-HDD2.5)
i have another client (Laptop) connected to same AP and it have a stable 54Mbit/s connection.
both clients running on OpenSuSE 10.1
Is any have this issue too?
sry for my english
n0ma6 · July 11, 2006 at 18:07
Following the steps as described about, I could bring up WL-138G running on X86_64… Thank you guys
But cannot iwconfig it with “master” mode….
I would like to configure my linux box acting as “AP” instead of “ad-hoc” or “client”. Is there any hint for me?
Thanks in advance!
Paolo · July 11, 2006 at 18:41
Well, not all drivers under Linux are able to enable the Master mode. I can suggest to ask Google… and maybe trying with a native supported card by the Linux kernel…
n0ma6 · July 11, 2006 at 19:37
Thanks for your quick response.
After googling for hours, Nothing could be found about turning on “master” mode for MRV8k. 🙁
By the way, there are many messages emitted by wrap_ndis_worker: wlan0 is being reset… about 75 messages in 10 minutes.
Is this normal? Did I miss any thing needed to be took care?
Thank you very much.
Paolo · July 11, 2006 at 21:11
Hi n0ma6,
If the wlan0 is working correctly, forget errors 🙂
This may be a debug ndiswrapper error… you can try to upgrade/change your kernel and see if this can fix your problem…
Bye bye 🙂
Kolaloka · July 21, 2006 at 14:56
Hats off! You are a magic wizard, Paolo. I run Mandriva 2006 Free with 2.6.12-12 kernel. All packages one needs are in the rpm repository. With your advice it was easy!
Penso, tu soi Italiano. Sempre penso Italiani sono ragazzi buoni, ma oggi so, molti sono ancora profi hackeri! Molto grazie, mio ASUS lavora come diavollo! Ciao Kolaloka di Praga,CZ
Templar · July 31, 2006 at 10:38
Dear Paolo,
I read your webblog about WL-138G and linux and then I decided to buy this card. I run on my linuxbox gentoo and I can not make this card work. The CD shipped with the card is not the same you have, this is a newer version. The Even with D-link driver no success. Could you post me your ndiswrapper version and your inf and sys files? Lot of thanks,
Paolo · July 31, 2006 at 12:26
Hi Templar,
on the box with the WL-138G I’m using a 2.6.12 kernel and ndiswrapper 1.2.
Following file-size and names of ini/sys:
10633 Dec 23 2005 mrv8k51.inf
297984 Dec 23 2005 mrv8k51.sys
If you can’t get the card working, I can put online for you a tarball with ini/sys stuff… (I can’t put here online this stuff because is copyrighted material…)
Templar · July 31, 2006 at 15:56
Hi Paolo,
I can not find the files, you mean. These are not on my shipped cd, not the downloadable from asus… Could you put the tarball online or send me by an email?
Enrico · August 30, 2006 at 10:06
I had the same problem as R0ger but i’m using Kubuntu… I tried to apply some solutions that iI fount in internet but the problem is always the same:
FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found
Can someone tell me how to fix it??? Meybe with a tutorial because I’m a really noob newbie :P…
Paolo · September 7, 2006 at 15:29
Download the last ndiswrapper from here
Make sure to have the kernel-sources package installed. (eg. under ubuntu:
#sudo apt-get install linux-headers
#cd /home/username/
#sudo tar xvzf ndiswrapper-1.2-rc1
#cd /home/username/ndiswrapper-1.2-rc1/
#sudo make
#sudo make install
Marton Suranyi · December 2, 2006 at 16:25
I’ve got a problem. I did these things you wrote. There wasn’t any error, but when I was trying the command “iwlink wlan0 scan” or KWifi Manager, I got errors. For example this: Interface doesn’t support scanning. Or like this: device not found.
So that’s the problem, and I don’t know what’s the matter.
Paolo · December 6, 2006 at 01:17
Ciao Marton 🙂
Your problem can be generated by many causes: you can have an old kernel, a bugged ndiswrapper support into your distro, a badly or wrong installation of ndiswrapper driver, etc…
You can try to update your distribution (ndiswrapper and kernel), choose another driver for this card (D-Link or Asus, from the CD or from the net), remove the driver and reboot before reinstalling it, install ndiswrapper from the sources, etc…
What distribution you are using now? and the kernel & ndiswrapper version?
giulio_45 · January 1, 2007 at 15:04
ciao ho un problema cn la wl 138g ovvero ho installato i driver presenti nel cd nella cartella win2k e mi dice INVALD DRIVER… come faccio a cambiarli? …io avendo gia dato il comando ndiswrapper -m come faccio a toglierlo?
Lukas · January 2, 2007 at 12:44
Hi, I did everything how you described and do not get any failures. I get the
confirmation “mrv8k51 driver present, hardware present” also.
But how can I use the card now? I have no idea where to enter the WEP key.
iwconfig says “no wireless extensions” for all entrys.
What can I do?
Paolo · January 5, 2007 at 02:01
Ciao Giulio,
con il comando
# ndiswrapper -l
vedi l’elenco dei driver installati. Una volta che hai trovato il nome del driver, usi questo comando
# ndiswrapper -e nome_del_driver
Invece, per eliminare la configurazione del flag -m che citavi, basta che elimini il file /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper
# rm /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper
Paolo · January 5, 2007 at 02:20
Hi Lukas,
have you ran the command modprobe ndiswrapper? Which distribution are you using?
If you have some particular kernel, your card can be managed by some beta driver, so, maybe, your ndiswrapper is not functional. Before using the modprobe, you must not to see the wireless device.
Only after the modprobe the wireless device must appear into ifconfig output.
The no wireless extensions message is not good. You must see the wireless extensions presents.
capemaster · February 28, 2007 at 20:59
Ho un problema…
Su Ubuntu Edgy Left installo il driver e faccio tutto quello che suggerisci tu, ma dopo
ndiswrapper -l mi da
driver installed
e basta!
Non mi dice hardware present (la scheda funziona) l’ho riprovata installando winxp sullo stesso pc, sostituendo solo il disco.
capemaster · February 28, 2007 at 21:01
altra cosa…
io credo che sia il driver nativo che ha dentro ubuntu a fare casino…
come lo disinstallo il bcm43xx ?
Paolo · March 1, 2007 at 05:03
Ciao capemaster,
per fare le prove del caso, devi provare a rimuovere a mano il driver nativo e poi fare gli esperimenti con ndiswrapper
per vedere se il driver bcm43xx e’ caricato e puo’ dare noie, usa questo comando
# lsmod | grep bcm43xx
se ti restituisce il riferimento a bcm43xx allora lo rimuovi con questo comando
# rmmod bcm43xx
Puoi poi provare ad usare ndiswrapper.
Ma con il driver nativo dovrebbe funzionare, credo (non ho sotto mano la scheda da fare delle prove).
Ad ogni modo, con il comando rmmod rimuovi solo temporaneamente il modulo, al successivo riavvio ci sara’ di nuovo. Devi editare il file modprobe.conf per disattivarlo…
capemaster · March 1, 2007 at 08:44
l’ho messo anche nella blacklist del modprobe.conf
ma sai che c’è adesso?
non mi vede la scheda…
c’è un modo in linux per fargliela “vedere”?
Paolo · March 2, 2007 at 12:10
Beh, , cosa intendi per “vedere”???
se fai un
# lspci
sicuramente la vedi elencata…
Giulio · March 4, 2007 at 07:59
Ottimo devo provare ho un fedora core 6 però ho già provato con ubuntu ma la cosa non è andata a buon fine
capemaster · March 6, 2007 at 12:46
non va, continuo a non vedere la scheda
capemaster@capemaster-desktop:~$ ndiswrapper -l
Installed drivers:
mrv8k51 driver installed
Paolo · March 9, 2007 at 01:40
Hummm, se con lspci ti restituisce il mio stesso PCIID ed hai usato i driver che lo linkato, dovrebbe proprio andare. A questo punto, puoi provare a fare diverse cose:
– spostare lo slot PCI nel quale si trova la sceda (alle volte gli IRQ danno noia…)
– installare ndiswrapper dal sito ufficiale
– provare ad utilizzare altri driver (dal cd di installazione o presi dal sito internet)
– provare a partire con un live cd e vedere se nel sistema live funziona (io ti posso consigliare di provare )
capemaster · March 12, 2007 at 20:09
grazie, ora provo tutto quello che dici.
capemaster · March 14, 2007 at 21:23
Ti sto attualmente scrivendo dal PC di casa collegato con la rete Wireless tramite la scheda in questione…
E tutto grazie a te!
Piattaforma Pclinux e ho cambiato anche slot… ora funziona benissimo.
Grazie ancora dei consigli
Paolo · March 15, 2007 at 02:57
Ottimo! 🙂
Sono contento di aver contribuito ad “infettare” un altro PC con Linux. Anzi, si tratta pure di PCLinuxOS, che e’ ormai la mia distro desktop di riferimento, meglio ancora! Quale versione hai messo?
Come ti trovi?
Ciao e grazie 🙂
capemaster · March 15, 2007 at 13:28
ho installato l’ultima distro, la TC3 mi pare si chiami, con il kernel 2.18.qualcos’altro.
è ottima, devo solo trovare una scheda 3d per beryl! 😀
Paolo · March 15, 2007 at 15:15
Ah ok, quindi la versione beta… Io con beryl ho visto cose impressionanti con una scheda video integrata e video ram condivisa! Incredibile ma funziona perfettamente… parlo della Intel Extreme Graphics 2…
Jürgen · March 17, 2007 at 23:44
Great Post. Very helpfull informations. Thanks a lot. Jürgen from Germany. 🙂
Kobin · March 28, 2007 at 13:51
I don’t know if it works but there is also a driver for asus 138g for linux that can be downloaded at:
Alekc · April 24, 2007 at 15:40
@Kobin: you are referring to 138gv2 which has broadcom’s chip if i remember well.
V1 instead use Marvell (they should only design comics IMHO
Misha · May 8, 2007 at 11:57
I am trying to install ndiswrapper first but, some errors comes up.
I am doing like was described up, but no result.
please help me…
Paolo · May 14, 2007 at 06:43
Hi Misha,
if you don’t post any error messages we cannot help you! 🙂
Anyway, in any modern linux distro (like Ubuntu, Suse, Mandriva, PCLOS, Fedora, etc…) ndiswrapper is already packaged in some repositories or even already installed by default.
Renzo · February 5, 2008 at 17:36
Dopo vari tentativi di configurare la mia scheda Asus WL 138G V2 su Linux Ubuntu 7.10, seguendo vari post, mi trovo ora nella condizione che non posso più accedere ai repositiry. Infatti quando vado in Systema > Amministrazione > Gestione pacchetti Synaptic non mi apre la lista dei programmi ma mi dà il seguente messaggio di errore:
E: Il pacchetto bcm43xx-firmware deve essere reinstallato, ma non si riesce a trovare un archivio per esso.
E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.
Inoltre dando il comando: $ ndiswrapper -l
mi dà il seguente messaggio:
bcm43xx : invalid driver!
bcmwl5 : invalid driver!
Non riesco più ne a cancellare questi driver ne a reinstallarli.
Se potessi darmi qualche utili indicazione su come ripristinare il sistema e installare la scheda te ne sarei grato.
Grazie in anticipo per un tuo eventuale interessamento
Renzo Moroni
Paolo · February 6, 2008 at 13:49
Ciao Renzo,
con il comando ndiswrapper -e bcm43xx e ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5 non riesci a cancellare i driver? Mi pare molto strano. Ad ogni modo, se anche con il flag -e non riesci a toglierli, dovresti poter cancellare i driver andando nella directory /etc/ndiswrapper e rimuovendo i files all’interno (vado a memoria, dato che non ho sotto mano un PC con ndiswrapper a bordo).
Per l’altro problema di Synaptic, devi aprire un terminale e lanciare questo comando:
sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status
Poi, una volta nell’editor, devi cercare la parola bcm43xx-firmware (con CTRL-W). Una volta trovata, devi cambiare la riga di testo successiva con:
Status: install ok installed
Non ti resta che uscire e salvare con CTRL-X. A questo punto Synaptic dovrebbe funzionare di nuovo.
In alternativa puoi anche provare a cancellare il blocco di testo relativo a bcm43xx-firmware, nel file /var/lib/dpkg/status.
Per quello che riguarda la tua scheda, e’ diversa da quella dell’articolo qui sopra, quindi devi usare altri driver. Hai provato a fare quello che dicono qui?.
Renzo · February 6, 2008 at 22:03
Grazie per latua risposta
Ora il problema Synaptic è stao risolto.
Prima nella lib era scitto
Package: bcm43xx-firmware
Status: install reinstreq half-installed
Priority: optional
Section: optional/base
Version: 1.3-1ubuntu2
Ora dopo aver reinstallato il file ho:
Package: bcm43xx-firmware
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: optional/base
Faccio presente che dal Cd in dotazione alla scheda Asus WL ho estratto il file Xp e ho installato il file bcmwl5.
A questo punto mi trovo la seguente situazione
ndiswrapper -l
bcmwl5 : driver installed
device (14E4:4318) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)
Molto probabilmente devo eliminare il file bcm43xx
Non sono ancora riuscito a far riconoscere al sistema la scheda WiFi
Facendo ‘sudo iwconfig’ mi ritovo:
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
eth1 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:off/any
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Bit Rate:54 Mb/s Tx-Power:25 dBm
RTS thr:2347 B Fragment thr:2346 B
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed
Confido in un tuo suggerimento per riuscire infine a far funzionare questa benedetta scheda.
Grazie e a breve
vittorio · October 21, 2010 at 06:23
articolo interessantissimo soprattutto per chi, come me, sta iniziando a muovere i primi passi con linux. Grazie mille 😉