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Some weeks ago I have bought on eBay this (great, IMHO) PDA. It’s a compact PDA, with a relatively slow processor (168 MHz) that grant a great lifetime battery. It’s and extremely wired device: it support – Wireless a/b – Bluetooth – GSM/GPRS (quad band) – Infrared This PDA is in English language with ROM version 1.00.06 ENG. Also the boot screen say 1.00.06 ENG (with the final ENG release). After using this PDA for some days to evaluate his capability, the next target is upgrade the firmware and the ROM. This step is needed to improve and fix a ton of features. The version 1.00.06 is the first release, with many bugs. |
Upgrading the ROM you upgrade also the operative system (Windows Mobile 2003). You can improve GSM/GPRS reception, Wireless reception, battery life, etc… (search all changelog on HP website, under the iPAQ h6300 family).
To upgrade firmware you need a box running Windows and ActiveSync. Download the correct ROM, like SP30391.exe (the 1.11 English version) and run this exe with the iPAQ connected to this computer.
Playing with this procedure i have discovered a strange problem: my iPAQ was branded TDC (a Danish mobile carrier) with a proprietary ROM. So I’m unable to upgrade with the official HP ROM files.
This is the error message before the beginning of the upgrade procedure:
Incorrect device SKU! update cannot continue.
I suppose that the problem is the ENG word into release string.
Damn! ๐
Browsing some Danish forum (and I don’t understand Danish! ๐ ) I have found this link:
go to www.tdcmobil.dk -> select erhverv -> select Produkter & Services -> select opdatering af HP ipaq h 6340
From this page/popup you can download the ROM 1.00.36 that will update the iPAQ from 1.00.06 ENG to 1.00.36 ENG.
Not too bad, but the last release is 1.11 and the ENG string is still here. So, after some others hours of research and experiments I have found this cool page that explain how to upgrade an iPAQ ROM from a different language. My iPAQ is already in English, but this procedure will “force” the upgrade process, so I can re-flash the branded ROM with an original ROM from HP.
I have downloaded the hpRUUSP30391.exe, a modified hpRUU.exe that will replace the original one. I have unpacked the SP30391.exe, replaced the hpRUU.exe with the patched version and booted the iPAQ in bootloader mode (pressing the mail and contacts buttons at the same time and pushing the soft reset button, wait until the bottom right corner reads BL before connect the iPAQ to the PC).
Bingo! My iPAQ now run the ROM 1.11 (English version without the ENG word into the string) and it’s ready for any regular future update.
Please remember that this procedure worked for me but I don’t have any warranties that will do the same with you! Flashing any device can break the device itself and you can trash your iPAQ. I’m not responsible for any damage to your PDA.
Thanks to ferdy for some assistance ๐
Kasper Hansen · September 15, 2006 at 00:19
Worked for me after hours of hard work. Thanks! I love the Internet!!!
Arnaldo · November 19, 2006 at 17:10
Hello, the “cool page” is out, maybe you can send me the patched files? I am thinking to buy the 6340 from a friend, but the SO is in germany and I am a Brazilian but english rom to me is fine! Thanks!
Paolo · November 21, 2006 at 05:17
Hi Arnaldo,
the cool page is only relocated. I have found it here http://pda.lvlolvlo.net/LanguagePacks.htm .
I will update also the link into the article.
coolstuff4real · November 24, 2006 at 18:31
plz can anyone help with d rom SP30391.exe the link is dead on hp site.
Paolo · November 25, 2006 at 02:29
A simple google search (like this one) will resolve your problem: I have found SP30391.exe following the first link in a snap…
coolstuff4real · November 26, 2006 at 23:31
plz can someone help, i cant locate 2 download d ipaq 6340 rom sp30391.exe english really need it 2 upgrade my ipaq , even hp dont have it. with all d search engine i cant get good link 2 download it. plzzzzzzz heeellllllpppppp. thanks
Paolo · November 27, 2006 at 02:20
Damn, you are too lame! ๐
Go to this url and grab the file sp30391.exe
coolstuff4real · November 27, 2006 at 14:55
the file sp30391.exe is not in the link
ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp30001-30500/ u can check for yourself. thanks
Paolo · November 27, 2006 at 15:03
I’m downloading right now the file with wget…
#wget ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp30001-30500/SP30391.exe
coolstuff4real · November 27, 2006 at 16:35
am getting the error msg “internet explorer cannot download SP30391.exe from http://ftp.compaq.com” sorry for disturbing u like this, is their any other way i can download it. i cant tell why the downloading is not going? thanks
Paolo · November 27, 2006 at 16:48
you can try to install a web browser like firefox
and see if firefox let you to download the file.
Otherwise you can try to get wget for windows here
then from a dos prompt you can execute wget with the url to download.
Don’t worry, if I have time to help you, you are welcome ๐
coolstuff4real · November 29, 2006 at 14:25
thank alot man i got d file sp30391. after updating the rom i still have prob with d wifi adapter it take a long time 2 comeup and comes on its own when u soft reset, thats one of prob i been getting b4 i updated d rom. can u help?
Paolo · November 30, 2006 at 01:25
Well, if the problem persist also after a rom update, I suppose that might be a hardware problem. So it may be impossible repair with some software…
I’m sorry.
Paul · December 20, 2006 at 17:48
I have a problem with the HP 6340, when the telephone rings the caller can hear me but I cannot hear the caller. Is there any way to fix this ? Could you please contact me directly to pmavros@chem.auth.gr ? Many thanks in advance.
Paolo · December 21, 2006 at 00:54
Paul, if you have checked the settings on the microphone volume, and is all right, I suppose that your is a hardware problem, so no one here can help you. Only a repair service can help you…
Ronnie · February 7, 2007 at 17:56
thanks for sharing this great routine, the IPAC run’s fine.
Original the IPAC was running german, now it’s running english.
I am verry happy.
Stoto · February 18, 2007 at 16:28
Do u know how to install Compact Framework 2.0 to this machine?
Volker · February 22, 2007 at 23:49
Hi, i had try to update my H6340. But during the update my PC is frozen, so the update is crashed! Can someone help me? I see only “Invalid OS” in the display. When i try to update it again, i get the message from RUU, OS unknown, and the update stopped.
BR Volker
filippo · April 9, 2007 at 22:45
Ciao..Pensi sia possibile trasformare il mio h6315 inglese in un h6340 italiano?? Io non ci sono riuscito. scusa,avevo sbagliato mail.
Paolo · April 12, 2007 at 09:26
In teoria dovrebbe essere possibile, in quanto tutti i modelli della famiglia H63xx sono molto simili, ma non avendo provato di persona (non ho altri modelli su cui sperimentare) non saprei dirti molto…
Mi spiace.
Marco · June 13, 2007 at 10:53
Ciao, chiedevo un aiuto, come posso fare a fare il Bootloader mode! Le ho provate tutte ma non ci salto fuori!
Paolo · June 13, 2007 at 13:12
Beh Marco, io ho appena riprovato con il mio iPaq ad entrare in boot loader mode ed e’ stato decisamente semplice: ho appoggiato l’iPaq sul tavolo, ho premuto con indice e medio i pulsanti contatti ed email (quello tutto a sinistra e quello tutto a destra, per intenderci) e con la penna (sempre tenendo premuti i due pulsanti) ho premuto il “pulsante” di reset.
L’iPaq si e’ riavviato e sulla solita schermata bianca con il logo al centro, sopra la scritta nell’angolo in basso a destra dello schermo, e’ apparsa la sigla BL (che sta appunto per Boot Loader…)
Stai usando mica un’altro modello? perche’ se si, potrebbe cambiare la sequenza da fare…
coolstuff4real · October 5, 2007 at 15:56
please i want to know if i can upgrade the windows CE 2003 on my HP ipaq 6340 to winCE 2005 or WinCE2006
Scarbs · April 18, 2008 at 13:04
Love the ipaq 6340. Wish to update to Win Mob 5 or 6.
Can this be done?
Paolo · April 19, 2008 at 15:17
Sorry guys, but as I know, is not possible to upgrade the 6340 to a newer operative system…
Meric · October 7, 2008 at 22:47
H? guys, i want add a camera in my 6340. My friend’s 6315 die and i have a camera. :D:D i put on camera im my device. But dont wok. Can i have modify ROM with 6315? or can i have load camera drivers? Please help me…
NORY · November 10, 2008 at 23:29
giorgio · March 10, 2009 at 00:14
salvo รจ possibile ritornare dalla rom 1.11.10 eng alla 1.10.09 ita grazie
Alfonso · August 1, 2009 at 16:19
Ciao, il mio h6345 (1.10.09 ITA) si รจ bloccato improvvisamente ed รจ possibile farlo ripartire a volte con un hard reset eseguito molte ore dopo aver rimosso la batteria.
purtoppo dopo alcuni minuti si blocca di nuovo.
I messaggi che sono comparsi nella schermata di avvio sono:
NO AC oppure Invalid os.
Mi puoi aiutare?
Aleksandar · February 2, 2010 at 22:57
How install flash player hor hp 6340?